Saturday 30 April 2011


so i had a girls night last night with my mum and sister and nieces to watch the royal wedding and it was so nice.  There is something about a wedding that brings out the romantic side in every woman!

My favourite part of weddings is seeing the face of the groom at the beginning of the ceremony when he sees his bride for the first time.  Just the look of excitement and love that comes across their faces, its special!

I remember Loren's face when i walked down the aisle and stood next to him on our wedding day.  He had tears in his eyes and a nervous smile and i just felt the love that he had for me and i for him!

Oh, it makes me want to get married again ... of course, to the same person!! i wouldn't change him for the world!

first blog

I've never really been a blogger, never even read other peoples blogs until recently.  So i thought i'd give it a go and see if anyone reads the thoughts that run through my head!  there are many of them; too many actually.

I am married to a wonderful guy who always encourages me to be better than i think i can be and sees the potential in me that i never even knew was there.  Sometimes i wonder why i deserve him! We have been married 7 years this year and have 3 beautiful kids, a boy who's 6 and 2 girls who are 3 and 4 months.  

Adjusting to life with kids is an ongoing thing for us and is an every-day challenge! Just when we think we've got it downpat, something changes and we have to navigate our way through the emotions and wills of growing kids!

It's a great adventure, which is going WAY too fast but we're enjoying it!